Saturday, 19 March 2022

Engineering Hydrology

๐Ÿ‘‰ Do You Know

  • Tensiometer is used to measure capillary potential
  • Phytometer measures Transpiration
  • Lysimeter measures Evaporation
  • Infiltrometer measures Infiltration
  • Speed of wind is measured using Anemometer.
  • Average annual rainfall over whole of India is 119 cm.
๐Ÿ‘‰Measurement of Precipitation

  • Rain Gauges
  • Pluviometer
  • Ombrometer
  • Hyetometer
๐Ÿ‘‰ Types of Gauges

  • Non-Recording Gauges
(a) The Non-Recording gauge used in India as SYMONS Raingauge

  • Recording Gauges
(a) Tipping Bucket Type

(b) Weighing Bucket Type

(c) Natural Syphon Type

⟶ The record from Tipping bucket gives data on the intensity of rainfall

⟶Weighing bucket gives the idea of mass curve of rainfall (Plot of the accumulated rainfall against the elapsed time)

⟶In India Natural Syphon Type is adopted as Recording Rain Gauge.(This type of gauge gives a plot of the mass curve of rainfall) 

๐Ÿ‘‰Inconsistency of Records

Some of the common cause of inconsistency of the records are:

  • Shifting of raingauge station to a new location
  • Neighborhood of the station undergoing a marked change
  • Replacement of old instrument by new one
  • Method of observation 
๐Ÿ‘‰Inconsistency of record is corrected by using DOUBLE MASS CURVE technique. 

๐Ÿ‘‰To convert the point rainfall values at various stations into an average value over catchment, several methods are available
(a) Arithmetical mean method
(b) Theissen- polygon method
(c) Isohyetal method

๐Ÿ‘‰Accuracy: Isohyetal method > Theissen-polygon method > Arithmetical mean method

๐Ÿ‘‰Frequency of Point Rainfall

The purpose of the frequency analysis of an annual series is to obtain a relation between the magnitude of the event and its probability of exceedence (P)

If the annual extreme series is arranged in descending order of magnitude and each position given a number 1 to N, 1 being given to Ist i.e largest value and N given to last value or least value. Then probability P of a rainfall at position m being equaled or exceeded is given by :

                             Method                                            Probability (P) 
                             Weibull                                                 m/(N+1)
                             California                                                m/N

                              Hazen                                                     (m - 0.5)/N

                              Blom                                                    (m-0.44)/(N+0.12)

๐Ÿ‘‰ Probable Maximum Precipitation(PMP)

The probable maximum precipitation (PMP) is defined as the greatest or extreme rainfall of a given duration that is physically possible over a basin.

                    PMP =  Mean annual rainfall + k. ฯƒ

                        ฯƒ = standard deviation of series
                        k = Frequency factor
A line drawn on the map along which the value of a particular property is uniform .

             Name                              Isopleth of (i.e line joining places of equal) 

             ISOBAR                                              Pressure

            ISOBATH                                         Depth in sea
            ISOCHRONE                     Travel time from a common centre

            ISOHALINE                                      Salinity

            ISOHELS                                           Sunshine
           ISOHYETS                                         Rainfall

            ISONIF                                          Snow fall amount

            ISOTHERM                                     Temperature

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