๐Classification of Tree
(a) Exogenous (b) Endogenous
⟶ Conifers (Soft Food) and Deciduous (Hard wood) are the types of Exogenous tree
๐Endogenous Tree
- Trees grow inwards
- Example: Bamboo, Cane, Palm
- Trees grow outwards
- annual rings are used for predicting age of the tree
- Trees yield softwood
- Distinct annual rings
- Do not show distinct annual rings
- Trees yield hard wood
- Example: Teak, Mahogany, Sheesham, Oak, Sal, Babool
Softwood Hardwood
Colour : Lighter Darker
Growth: Faster Slower
Weight: Lighter Heavier
Density: Low High
Annual rings: Distinct Indistinct
Strength: Strong along the grains Strong along and across the grains
Conversion: Easy Difficult
Fire resistance: Poor Moderate
๐Detailed Cross sectional view of the trunk of an exogenous tree
(a) Pith
- Innermost central portion or core of the tree called Pith or Medulla
- As the plant becomes old, the pith dies up and decays.
- Inner annual rings surrounding the pith consistute the heartwood
- Dark in colour
- It indicates dead portion of tree
- Outer annual rings between heart wood and cambium layer in the sap wood
- It is usually light in colour and weight. It contains sap
- Cambium is very thin layer of tissue between sapwood and inner bark
- It gives protection to the cambium layer from any injury
- Phloem transports food from leaves to the roots
- Outermost protective layer
- Consist of cells of wood fibre
- Thin radial fibres extending from pith to cambium layer are known as medullary rays
- Function of these rays is to hold the annual rings tightly together
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