Thursday, 14 October 2021

Geomatics Engineering

 πŸ‘‰Actual Distance = (Measured Distance/Nominal length of chain) x Actual length of chain

πŸ‘‰Offsets are lateral measurements made w.r.t main survey line which may be oblique or perpendicular in nature.

πŸ‘‰In aerial photogrametery the photographs are taken at proper interval to provide generally 60% longitudinal overlap and 30 % side overlap.

πŸ‘‰The tape corrections used in Surveying

  • Correction for Standardization (+ or -)
  • Correction for Slope (Always negative)
  • Correction of Pull (+ or -)
  • Correction for Temperature (+ or -)
  • Correction for Sag (Always negative)
  • Normal Tension 
  • Correction for Misalignment (Always negative)
πŸ‘‰ Tape correction for standardization (Csd):

                            Csd = (l'-l)/l x L
where, l = nominal length of tape
          l’ = actual length of tape
          L = measured length
          Csd = Correction for standardization

 πŸ‘‰ Correction for Slope (Cs):



                    D = horizontal equivalent
                    L = slope distance

                        Correction for Slope

     Where,          h = difference in elevations of the end points

                           Cs = correction due to slope


πŸ‘‰ Correction for Pull (Cp):

The correction of pull is computed as

Correction of Pull

P = pull applied during measurement.
Po = Standard pull
L = Measured length
A = Cross- sectional area of the tape
E = Young’s modulus of material of tape

πŸ‘‰Correction for Temperature (Ct):

The correction for temperature is computed as

Ct = Ξ± (Tm - To) L

Ξ± = coefficient of linear expansion
Tm = Mean temperature of the tape
To  = Standard temperature

πŸ‘‰ Sag Correction (Csg):

  • A tape is supported at two ends, it takes the shape of a CATENARY. 
  • The correction for sag should be applied as the horizontal chord Length is always shorter than the curved length

W = Weight of tape per unit length.
P = Applied pull.
l1 = length of the tape suspended between the supports.

The above equation can also be written in the form of total weight of tape

W = total weight of tape between the supports

πŸ‘‰ Normal Tension:

The normal tension is a tension at which the effects of pull and sag are neutralized.


πŸ‘‰Correction for Misalignment (Cm):

  •  If L1 = L2 then Cm = d² / L (Negative)
πŸ‘‰Optical square is used to establish two points at right angle. The principle used is double reflection.
πŸ‘‰Method commonly used in Reconnaissance surveying for measurement of horizontal distance are PACING, PASSOMETER, PEDOMETER, ODOMETER,MEASURING WHEEL, SPEEDOMETER,PERAMBULATOR.

πŸ‘‰Equation of cubic parabola  = X^3/6RL

πŸ‘‰Shift in Transition Curve = L^2/24R