Saturday, 12 June 2021

Target GATE & ESE 2022 (Irrigation Engineering)

 Do You Know ?

πŸ‘‰ Sprinkler system causes interference in farming operation because of its network system.

πŸ‘‰ In border strip method size of strip depends on soil properties. Border strip method is a controlled type of surface irrigation method.

πŸ‘‰ Soil moisture tension is defined as the sum of the moisture tension and osmotic pressure of soil solution.

πŸ‘‰  Soil moisture tension at permanent wilting point generally ranges from 7-32 atm

πŸ‘‰    Soil                  EC (milli-mhos/cm)            ESP (%)                        PH 

         Saline                             >4                               <15               less than equal to 8.5

        Alkaline                          <4                                <15                         8.5 - 10

     Saline-Alkaline                  >4                               <15              approximately equal to 8.5

               ESP = exchangeable sodium percentage

               EC = Electrical Conductivity

πŸ‘‰ Water application efficiency is the ratio of volume water stored in root zone to Volume of water supplied to root zone

πŸ‘‰ Garret's diagram is a graphical representation to obtain canal design parameters based on

         (i) Kennedy's theory

        (ii) Kutter's formula

Purpose: To save time and to avoid repetitive enormous calculations

πŸ‘‰Balanced Depth : Balanced depth of cutting canal is when volume of cutting is equal to volume of filling (Most economical way as transportation expenses of soil is minimized)