Friday, 11 June 2021

Target GATE & ESE 2022 (Geotechnical Engineering)

 Do You Know?

👉Sand drains reduces the length of drainage path resulting in acceleration of consolidation.

👉High volume change in clay is due to presence of Montmorillonite clay.

👉Loose sand and normally consolidated clay (OCR = 1) have similar stress strain curve in triaxial compression.

👉Dense sand and over-consolidated clay (OCR>1) have similar stress strain curves.

👉Stoke's Law: Sedimentation of soil particles in water with a constant velocity is known as terminal velocity.

            Stoke's Law is applicable for spheres of diameter between 0.2 mm and 0.0002 mm

👉Terzaghi's theory of consolidation considers only primary consolidation and not valid for secondary consolidation.

👉Final consolidation(Ultimate consolidation settlement) does not depend upon drainage conditions.

👉Coefficient of consolidation is inversely proportional to liquid limit.

 👉Compression index of clay is related to its index properties, especially the liquid limit

       According to Terzaghi and Peck

                Cc = 0.009 (L.L-10)      for undisturbed soils

👉The compression index for the over consolidated clay stratum (which is called as recompression index) is smaller as compared to other given soils.

👉When a soil is heavily over-consolidated its stress-strain curve has a sharp peak. It shows brittle behaviour.


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