Wednesday, 28 July 2021

Target GATE & ESE 2022 (Fluid Mechanics)

 Do You Know?


  • Hot Wire Anemometer: It is used for measurement of instantaneous velocity and temperature at a point in flow but it is an ideal tool for measurement of velocity fluctuations in time in turbulent flow.
  • Orifice Meter: It is cheap device which is used to measure the volume flow rate means discharge.
  • Pitot Tube: Used for measurement velocity of flow.
πŸ‘‰     Preston Tube: Used for Boundary shear stress measurement.     

πŸ‘‰     Submerged broad crested weir  (Cd = 0.83 to 0.85)

πŸ‘‰          Free broad crested weir ( Cd = 0.85 to 1)

πŸ‘‰       For ogee spillway ( Cd = 1.19 Cds), where Cds is the discharge coefficient for sharp crested weir. 

πŸ‘‰       Cd value increases for ogee due to adhering Nappe

πŸ‘‰ Rehbock formula gives the expression for discharge over a rectangular suppressed weir.

                                  Q = 2/3 (0.605 + 0.08 H/Z + 0.001/H) sqrt (2g). BH^1.5 

 πŸ‘‰ Francis found that due to end contraction the effective width of the nappe is reduced by o.1H.

                                                              Leff = (L - 0.1 nH)

πŸ‘‰ Cipolletti notch (or weir) is a trapezoidal notch which gives discharge equal to the discharge that would pass over a rectangular notch. 

                                                     Q = 2/3 Cd sqrt(2g) LH^1.5

πŸ‘‰ Ventilation of Nappe: When there is no ventilation of nappe, discharge increases because the Nappe is pulled down due to negative pressure created in the zone below nappe.

πŸ‘‰  Let Q be the discharge in free Nappe then

        For depressed Nappe Qd = (1.06-1.07) Q

        For Adhering Nappe  Qa = 1.25 Q

πŸ‘‰ Orifice is an opening in the tank and Mouthpiece is short length of tube

πŸ‘‰ Coefficient of resistance of Orifice (Cr) is defined as the ratio of Loss of KE through orifice to actual KE.

                                               Cr = (1/Cv^2 -1)

      where Cv is the coefficient of velocity. 

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