π Active earth pressure in loose state is larger than the active earth pressure in dense state.
π Passive earth pressure in dense state is larger than the passive earth pressure in loose state.
π By compacting the soil, active earth pressure decreases but passive earth pressure increases.
πSoils deposited by wind are called Aeolian soil.
πAll types of soils carried and deposited by water are known as Alluvial deposits.
πLacustrine soils are soil deposited in lake beds.
πMarine deposits are formed when the flowing water carries soils to oceans or sea.
πLoess is a loose deposit of wind blown silt that has been weakly cemented with calcium carbonate and montmorillonite.
πMarl is a very fine grained calcium carbonated soil of marine origin.
πPeat is a highly organic soil, consisting almost entirely of vegetative matter in varying states of decomposition, brown to black in colour, possessing an organic odour.
πPeat and Muck are organic clay.
πVolume of solids will remain same in fill and borrow pit.
πFor a sandy soil with soil grains spherical in shape and uniform in size the theoretical void ratio is 0.91.